About me

Greetings from Mark and Sharon Koehn – we are so glad you have visited us.  Essential Joys was created to relate to you how God has worked in our family through various means to show us His joy. We are using this blog as a means to share with you how we are learning to walk with God – our ultimate joy – and how we are embracing a healthier lifestyle to the glory of God.  One of the themes we will be focusing on is learning how to explore and use the Young Living Essential oils.  Using essential oils, God’s pharmaceuticals, has been a huge blessing to us and our family.  We think it is worth investing some time to learn about how magnificent the Young Living Essential Oils are and what a wide variety of things they can be used for.  So explore our blog and join us on this journey that we are taking as we learn about the Essential Joys of life.  If you are just learning about essential oils please start with our first post and work forward.

Sharon—I am a mother of seven amazing home schooled kids.  I have been pursuing God for 40 years and He has proved Himself faithful in many ways throughout my life!  My journey to finding natural and non-toxic ways for my medicine cabinet started 20 years ago—where has the time gone.:)   My oldest child at the time had recurring ear infections and the doctor wanted to put tubes in her ears.  I was very reluctant to hand my baby over, at 10 months of age, to have surgery since there can always be “bad’ reactions to anesthesia.  So I decided to take a look at the natural approach a friend had been talking with me about.  I had scoffed at her ideas, but it is funny when we are desperate we will do things we once weren’t open to.  I did contact a natural type doctor she suggested and well you might say the rest is history.  We were able, with the help of this natural doctor, to keep my baby healthy and off of antibiotics.  I started using herbs and making my own tinctures and salves etc.  I found the Young Living Essential Oils over 6 years ago.  I think they are more effective and concentrated than the herbs and they have no expiration date.   I look forward to sharing with you on this blog.  You will quickly learn that my hobby is to help people be as healthy as possible for the Glory of God, choosing natural substances to accomplish that and that means talking a lot about this subject! My children have made comments that I get rather excited when I start talking about essential oils. So beware.   :-)

Mark – How does the father of seven children live in such a way that he can share what are the essential joys of life?  The first essential joy is through my Savior Jesus Christ who saved me over forty years ago.  Jesus has been with me every day to teach me about Himself and to produce in my life the fruit of the Spirit, of which Joy is one of them.  Joy is the delight in living that does not depend on circumstances, but rather depends on my Creator who gives me His unconditional love and joy.  My life as a father is busy with many disciples in my own family that look to me for what it means to live for Christ.  Without the joy of the Lord to be my strength, then the daily concerns of my family would be overwhelming.  It is good to trust that my God is greater than anything I will be facing in life, and I can point my children to the Lord as the one who will never let them down, can heal any broken heart and can set us free from our own worries, bad habits and sinful thinking.  He will give them joy in the midst of daily living.  As the Creator of our universe, God has provided for our needs in many different ways. One of those ways is through the herb of the field as is mentioned in Genesis 1:11-12 “And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.  And the earth brought forth grass and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.”  This was on the third day – he provided for both the animals and mankind their need for food and healing herbs prior to creating man and woman.  Through Young Living Essential Oils we are able to gain the benefits that God placed in the seeds, fruits, herbs and grasses for us to discover and use.  By using these essential oils, we have been able to address various ailments that my family is exposed to or catches without having to make a trip to the doctor.  These essential oils have helped build up our immune systems and given us a method of helping our immune system when we do contract an illness unexpectedly.
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